108 BELOVED OBJECTS A Special Solo Performance by Jeff Greenwald, Author/Journalist/Ethical Traveler THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST, 2022 – 1 PM “What do a pink elephant, a Cuban beer bottle, and a Krishna statue have in common? All are among the 108 Beloved...
“COOL” IN POSTWAR AMERICA Speaker: Mick Chantler, MA Thursday, March 10th, 2022 The word “cool” once held a powerful emotional charge. Unlike its current use, a synonym for “nice,” cool once had radical political and social implications. The concept arose after WWII...
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DANCE AND MENTAL WELL-BEING THURSDAY, March 3rd, 2022 – 1 PM Speaker: Ben Needham-Wood, former Smuin Ballet Dancer, educator, choreographer Award-winning dancer Ben Needham-Wood studied ballet from an early age. After beginning his...
THE WORK OF THE CANAL ALLIANCE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, 2022 – 1 PM Speaker: Sara Matson, Development Director, San Rafael’s Canal Alliance Development Director at San Rafael’s Canal Alliance, Sara Matson, oversees fundraising, grants management,...
WILDLIFE IN MARIN: FRIEND AND FOE THURSDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 2022 – 1 PM The Bay Area is teeming with wildlife – playful squirrels, lovely birds, and those not so welcome – rats, skunks, raccoons and coyotes. How do we deal with the “problems” these animals may...
FINDING ART IN THE OCEAN THURSDAY, JANUARY 2OTH, 2022 – 1 PM Josie Iselin is a fine art photographer and book author passionate about the natural world around her. Josie is intent on looking closely at the objects of our world and asking how we can learn both...