Community Grants
Inspired by the OAC Purpose Statement, the Community Grants program funds
Marin County nonprofits that support the environment, under-served populations, or women’s initiatives
The Outdoor Art Club’s Purpose Statement guides the Club’s activities: “To preserve the natural scenery of Mill Valley and the surrounding country, to beautify the grounds around public buildings, to work against wanton destruction of birds and game, to encourage the development of outdoor art and to engage in other civic, literary and charitable work.”
Initially, the OAC planted trees and flowers in public areas, cleaned forest paths, wrote letters to health offices urging them to protect streams from pollution and sewage, helped the library distribute books, and gave financial aid to other organizations that shared the Club’s goals. In the 1970’s the OAC began the formal grant-making program known as “Outreach,” which supported more than 160 Marin County nonprofit organizations and distributed over $775,000.
The “Community Grants” program builds on our strengths, and increases collaboration with the nonprofit community and engagement by OAC members. Community Grants are awarded annually to local nonprofit organizations that prioritize the environment, the underserved and women’s initiatives.
Today’s Community Grants program awards funds to local nonprofit organizations that further the objectives of the Club’s Purpose Statement and specifically address the environment, the under-served and women’s initiatives. The Fall 2023 recipients of Community Grants program are:
Call of the Sea – Scholarship support for three classrooms from under-served schools to take a three-hour educational sail in San Francisco Bay. Educational content covers areas such as Marin Biology, Sustainability and Nautical Science.
Center for Domestic Peace – Fund In This Together therapy program for children who have witnessed domestic abuse. About 60 non-abusing parents with 100 children will participate in parent & child therapy sessions thus helping to alleviate long-term impacts to their health.
The Curtain Theatre — Costume rentals for free-to-the-public performances of the 2024 productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Old Mill Park.
Dance Arts — Dance classes, including ballet, ballroom, Latin and contemporary, for 60 youth and young adults in the Canal District of San Rafael.
ExtraFood – Recruiting and on-boarding of 40 new farmers market volunteers, 5 new farmers market team leaders and 20 new kitchen volunteers thus preventing excess fresh and edible food from being thrown into the landfill and the resulting production of CO2 from warming our atmosphere. Expansion of SouperFood Kitchen’s capacity.
Marin BeeKeepers Association – Education of 350-400 5th graders across Marin on the importance of the honey bee and their role in pollination. Students will have hands-on experience with hives at their schools. Bee suits will be provided.
Marin Community Clinics – The purchase of two filtered water fountains / bottling stations for the lobbies of the Fourth Street Dental Clinic in San Rafael.
Marin Villages – Significant subsidy for 16 elderly women to have a Marin Villages membership, helping to enable independent living.
The Mountain Play — ASL translation for hearing-impaired attendees at a 2024 Mountain Play performance of Kinky Boots.
NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Health) – Training of two Family-to-Family teachers who are Spanish-speaking, stipends for Family Support Group Facilitators for Marin City and The Canal District, and growing the Help line to include a Spanish-speaking Help Line responder.
Project Avery — Scholarships for 7 Marin County children of incarcerated parents to attend intensive four-week therapeutic and leadership development summer camp.
Vivalon – Delivery of over 1,400 adult meals and 2,000 pet meals to at-risk seniors in Marin County.
Welcoming Home – Apartment furnishings for a formerly unhoused family of three including movers; brand new mattresses, box springs and bed frames; and a home starter kit.
Wildcare — Three three-month wildlife hospital internships for veterinary students.